o adious_is_great.TXT.bat o linkin_park_Crawling.MP3.bat o XXX_teen_blowjobs.AVI.bat o jlo_nude.ZIP.bat o rrlf_is_god.TXT.bat o wermEris_has_owned_you.TXT.bat o wermXXX_girls_with_huge boobs.GIF.bat o donkey_ass.JPEG.bat o hot_pam_pictures.GIF.bat
o C:Program Filesorton~1s32integ.dll o C:Program Filesf-prot95fpwm32.dll o C:Program Filesmcafeescan.dat o c: bavw95 bscan.sig o c: bav bav.dat o C:Program Files bav bav.dat o C:Program Filesavpersonalantivir.vdf
00000000000000000000000000 If you get this virus,then your just BRAINLESS!!!! ECHO is off. bat.brainless the return of the dreaded DOS batch virus the creation of the labs of adious [rRlf] 00000000000000000000000000 Press any key to continue . . .
NOW IT'S OK TO FUCK YOUR COMPUTER. :] ─=[bat.brainless]=─ By Adious [rRlf] Greets:alcopaul [rRlf],philet0a$ter[rRlf] ,Kahuna [TKT],Raid,RoadKill,Gigabyte,real life friendz IrFan [maggot],all in the vx scene Fuck yous to:all the brainless IT club members in my school (you all know who you ppl are..:] adious [rRlf] 2002 (c) Adious [rRlf] signing off :) 21/10/02